今日は「書斎で集中力アップ&リフレッシュできる音楽」をテーマに作った曲名「知恵の泉」(英語:Fountain of Wisdom)をご紹介します!
- 本の香りが漂う静かな書斎にいるような落ち着き
- 窓から差し込む朝日のような爽やかさ
- 頭がクリアになっていくような清々しさ
- 木の温もりを感じるような優しい音色
- アイデアが次々浮かんでくるようなワクワク感
- 朝の作業開始時の頭の切り替えに
- 長時間のデスクワークのお供に
- 勉強や読書の時の背景音楽として
- アイデアを出したい時のひらめきBGMに
- 部屋の模様替えや掃除をする時に
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
Today, I’d like to introduce you to a song I created with the theme “Music to boost concentration and refresh you in your study“.It’s called “Fountain of Wisdom” (Japanese: 知恵の泉).
When you listen to this song, you’ll feel as if you’re working in a quiet study surrounded by books, feeling a refreshing breeze.
“Fountain of Wisdom” is a Lo-Fi sound characterized by its refreshing melody.
As you listen, you’ll naturally find your mind clearing up, with ideas flowing one after another.
You’ll experience an exciting sensation as if you’re swimming in an ocean of knowledge.
Atmosphere of the song
- Calmness, as if you’re in a quiet study filled with the scent of books
- Freshness, like morning sunlight streaming through a window
- A refreshing feeling, as if your mind is becoming clearer
- Gentle tones that feel like the warmth of wood
- An exciting sensation, as if ideas are continuously popping up
Various ways to use
- To switch your mindset when starting work in the morning
- As a companion for long hours of desk work
- As background music for studying or reading
- As inspiration BGM when you want to generate ideas
- When rearranging or cleaning your room
Downloading (ダウンロード) is super easy! Just click the button below to get “Fountain of Wisdom” right away.
↓↓↓ Download here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
It’s copyright-free, so you can use it with peace of mind for video production too.
Now, let’s enjoy a refreshing and focused work time with “Fountain of Wisdom” from today!
May your day be wonderful, overflowing with wisdom!