今日は、「書斎で集中力アップ&リフレッシュできる音楽」をテーマに作った曲名「真夜中のジャズ珈琲」(英語:Midnight Jazz Coffee)をご紹介します!
- 穏やかなジャズの調べ
- 温かみのある木製楽器の響き
- 静寂な書斎のような静謐さ
- リラックス効果と覚醒効果の絶妙なバランス
- 思考が整理されやすい雰囲気
- 勉強や仕事に取り組む際のBGMとして
- 読書時の背景音楽として
- 文章作成や企画立案時に
- アート制作の際の集中用BGMとして
- 心身をリフレッシュしたい時に
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
静かな書斎で 知識の海に浸りながら
やわらかな音色 頭をクリアにする
アイデアが湧き 創造力が高まる
この空間で あなただけの世界が広がる
Hello everyone, this is Minaduchi.
Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a track called “Midnight Jazz Coffee” (Japanese: 真夜中のジャズ珈琲), which was created with the theme of “Music to Boost Concentration & Refresh in Your Study“.
This track is a jazzy LOFI work tune inspired by the atmosphere of a late-night café.
With woody tones that evoke the scent of coffee, it creates a calming ambiance that’s expected to enhance your concentration.
Mood of the track
- Gentle jazz melodies
- Warm resonance of wooden instruments
- Tranquility reminiscent of a quiet study
- Perfect balance of relaxation and stimulation
- An atmosphere conducive to organizing thoughts
Examples of use
- As background music while studying or working
- As ambient sound while reading
- For writing or brainstorming sessions
- As focus music during artistic creation
- When you want to refresh your mind and body
Downloading (ダウンロード) is super easy! Just click the button below to get “Midnight Jazz Coffee” right away.
↓↓↓ Download here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
While there are no lyrics, if we were to express the image of the song in words, it would be something like this.
In a quiet study, immersed in a sea of knowledge
Soft tones clear your mind
Ideas spring forth, creativity heightens
In this space, your own world expands
Give “Midnight Jazz Brew” a listen and enjoy your own time of creative inspiration.
Please use it whenever you want to focus or refresh yourself!