今日は、「静かな部屋で集中して勉強したいときにぴったりの音楽」をテーマに作った曲名「デスクライトの温もり」(英語:Warm Desk Light Melody)をご紹介します!
- 静かでゆったりとしたリズム
- 木の温もりを感じさせる優しい音色
- 集中力を高めるシンプルなメロディ
- デスクライトの柔らかな光を表現する繊細な音の重なり
- 自然な雰囲気と現代的なサウンドの調和
- 宿題や試験勉強のお供に
- オンライン授業の背景音楽として
- 読書タイムのBGMに
- 朝の準備時間を落ち着いて過ごすために
- 夜遅くまで勉強するときのやる気アップに
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
Today, I’m excited to introduce you to “Warm Desk Light Melody” (Japanese: デスクライトの温もり), a song I created with the theme of “perfect music for when you want to concentrate on studying in a quiet room“!
This track is a lo-fi study song that imagines a scene of enthusiastically tackling your studies in a quiet room filled with the warmth of wooden furnishings.
You can expect it to boost your concentration while being enveloped in the gentle light of a desk lamp.
The atmosphere of the song
- A quiet and relaxed rhythm
- Gentle tones that evoke the warmth of wood
- Simple melodies that enhance concentration
- Delicate layers of sound expressing the soft glow of a desk light
- A harmony of natural ambiance and modern sounds
Various ways to use it
- As a companion for homework or exam preparation
- As background music for online classes
- As BGM for reading time
- To spend your morning preparation time calmly
- To boost motivation when studying late into the night
Downloading (ダウンロード) is easy! Just click the button below to get “Warm Desk Light Melody” right away.
↓↓↓ Download here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
Listen to “Warm Desk Light Melody” and try studying with concentration in a quiet room.
Please give it a try when you’re feeling unmotivated or want to study while relaxing!