今日は、「静かな図書館で集中タイム」をテーマにした曲名「本棚の小径」(英語:Pathway Through the Bookshelves)をご紹介します!
- 静かな図書館らしい落ち着いたLOFIサウンド
- 集中力を高めるゆったりとしたビート
- 本をめくる音やキーボードのタイピング音
- 小さな扇風機の心地よい風をイメージした効果音
- 夏らしい爽やかさを感じる軽やかなメロディ
- レポート作成や勉強のお供に
- 図書館や自習室での作業BGMとして
- オンライン授業の集中タイムに
- 読書のときのバックグラウンドミュージックに
- 静かな環境で集中したいときに
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
Today, I’m excited to introduce a track themed “Concentration Time in a Quiet Library” titled “Pathway Through the Bookshelves” (Japanese: 本棚の小径).
This track is inspired by the image of a man in his 20s working on a report in a private library booth while listening to Lo-Fi music.
It creates an atmosphere where you can enhance concentration while relaxing in a calm, wood-toned space.
Mood of the track
- Serene Lo-Fi sound reminiscent of a quiet library
- Relaxed beat to boost concentration
- Sounds of turning pages and keyboard typing
- Sound effects mimicking the pleasant breeze of a small fan
- Light melody evoking the freshness of summer
Various uses
- As a companion for report writing or studying
- As background music for working in libraries or study rooms
- For focus time during online classes
- As background music while reading
- When you need to concentrate in a quiet environment
Downloading (ダウンロード) is easy! Just click the button below to get “Pathway Through the Bookshelves” right away.
↓↓↓ Download from here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
Listen to “Pathway Through the Bookshelves” and try working with the feeling of being in a library.
Use it when you want to refresh and work or study efficiently!
Even on hot summer days, enjoy the cool ambiance with this refreshing BGM!