今回のフリーBGMは、「和風夜想曲 波と線香花火の香り」をテーマにして作りました。
曲名は「波音と線香花火のシンフォニー」(英語:Symphony of Wave Sounds and Sparklers)です。
- 和風の要素を取り入れた落ち着いた雰囲気
- 夏の夜の静けさを感じさせる繊細な表現
- ゆったりとしたテンポで心が癒される
- 線香花火の儚さを表現する繊細な印象
- 海辺の涼しさを感じさせる爽やかさ
- 夏の夜の思い出動画のBGMに
- 和風テイストの動画や作品に
- リラックスタイムの音楽として
- 瞑想やヨガの時間のBGMに
- おやすみ前の癒し音楽として
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
↓↓↓ 歌詞はこちらから ↓↓↓
Tiny sparks twinkle in the night sky
Fleeting brilliance of sparklers
Your smile with waves as BGM
I want to paint this moment for eternity
[Verse 1]
Sitting on the sand, sea breeze caressing cheeks
Searching for seashells, sparks dance on fingertips
“”Make a wish on the sparkler,”” I tried to say
“”Huh? Can’t hear you!”” Lost to the sound of waves (laugh)
[Verse 2]
Small stars crackling and popping
Mesmerized, they reached our feet
“”Ouch! Hot sand!”” We both jump up
A bit clumsy, but it’s a memory too
Tiny sparks twinkle in the night sky
Fleeting brilliance of sparklers
Your smile with waves as BGM
I want to paint this moment for eternity
Incense scent mingles with salty air
Night’s symphony stretches endlessly
Seagulls sing a night serenade
“”Hey, you’re off-key!”” I want to tease
Tiny sparks twinkle in the night sky
Fleeting brilliance of sparklers
Your smile with waves as BGM
I want to paint this moment for eternity
Though the last spark softly fades away
It still shines brightly in my heart
I want to watch with you again next year
The modest magic of beach fireworks
ちっちゃな火花 夜空にキラリ
線香花火の 儚い輝き
波音BGMに 君の笑顔
この瞬間を 永遠に描きたい
砂浜に座って 潮風が頬をなでる
貝殻を探してた 指先に火花が宿る
「花火に願いを」 なんてね言ってみた
「え?聞こえないよ」 波の音に負けた(笑)
パチパチはじける 小さな星たち
夢中で見てたら 足元まで届いた
「あつっ!砂熱いっ!」 飛び上がる君と僕
ちょっとドジだけど それも思い出
ちっちゃな火花 夜空にキラリ
線香花火の 儚い輝き
波音BGMに 君の笑顔
この瞬間を 永遠に描きたい
線香の香りが 潮の香りと混ざって
どこまでも続く 夜のシンフォニー
カモメが歌う ナイトセレナーデ
ちっちゃな火花 夜空にキラリ
線香花火の 儚い輝き
波音BGMに 君の笑顔
この瞬間を 永遠に描きたい
最後の一粒 ふわっと消えても
心の中では まだ輝いてる
また来年も 君と見たいな
砂浜花火の ささやかな魔法
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
For this free BGM, I’ve created a piece with the theme “Japanese-style nocturne: The scent of waves and sparklers“.
The title is “Symphony of Wave Sounds and Sparklers” (Japanese: 波音と線香花火のシンフォニー).
When you listen to this song, you’ll feel as if you’re enjoying sparklers on a beach on a summer night, creating a calm and fantastical mood.
It’s a perfect song for when you want to calm your mind, filled with a Japanese atmosphere.
Atmosphere of the song
- A serene ambiance incorporating Japanese elements
- Delicate expressions that evoke the quietness of a summer night
- A relaxed tempo that soothes the heart
- A subtle impression expressing the ephemeral nature of sparklers
- A refreshing feel that conveys the coolness of the seaside
Various ways to use it
- As background music for summer night memory videos
- For videos or works with a Japanese aesthetic
- As relaxation music
- As background music for meditation or yoga sessions
- As soothing music before bedtime
Feel free to download (ダウンロード) and use it for free!
↓↓↓ Download here ↓↓↓
↓↓↓ Lyrics available here ↓↓↓
Lyrics here
Tiny sparks twinkle in the night sky
Fleeting brilliance of sparklers
Your smile with waves as BGM
I want to paint this moment for eternity
[Verse 1]
Sitting on the sand, sea breeze caressing cheeks
Searching for seashells, sparks dance on fingertips
“”Make a wish on the sparkler,”” I tried to say
“”Huh? Can’t hear you!”” Lost to the sound of waves (laugh)
[Verse 2]
Small stars crackling and popping
Mesmerized, they reached our feet
“”Ouch! Hot sand!”” We both jump up
A bit clumsy, but it’s a memory too
Tiny sparks twinkle in the night sky
Fleeting brilliance of sparklers
Your smile with waves as BGM
I want to paint this moment for eternity
Incense scent mingles with salty air
Night’s symphony stretches endlessly
Seagulls sing a night serenade
“”Hey, you’re off-key!”” I want to tease
Tiny sparks twinkle in the night sky
Fleeting brilliance of sparklers
Your smile with waves as BGM
I want to paint this moment for eternity
Though the last spark softly fades away
It still shines brightly in my heart
I want to watch with you again next year
The modest magic of beach fireworks
I hope “Symphony of Wave Sounds and Sparklers” can add a touch of Japanese summer night magic to your videos and daily life.
I look forward to seeing how you’ll use it in wonderful ways!