「心地よい眠りへ誘う魔法のような音楽」をテーマに作った曲名「夢路のメロディ」(英語:Dreampath Melody)をご紹介します!
- ふわふわした雲の上にいるような柔らかさ
- 星空を見上げているようなゆったり感
- 深呼吸をしているような落ち着き
- 心地よい風に包まれているような安らぎ
- 時間がゆっくり流れるような穏やかさ
- 寝つきが悪い夜のお助けBGM
- 朝のゆったりした目覚めのお供に
- リラックスしたい時の癒し曲として
- 読書や勉強に集中したい時の背景音楽に
- 疲れた心をホッとさせたい時に
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
I’m excited to introduce you to a song I created with the theme of “music that magically induces a comfortable sleep“.
It’s called “Dreampath Melody” (Japanese: 夢路のメロディ)!
If you listen to this on a sleepless night, you’ll feel as if you’re walking on soft, fluffy clouds.
The song features a gentle rhythm that blends soothing synthesizer tones with a relaxed beat.
As you listen, you’ll naturally find your eyelids getting heavy.
It’s like being enveloped in a sensation of a gentle breeze singing you a lullaby.
The song’s atmosphere
- Softness reminiscent of being on fluffy clouds
- A relaxed feeling like gazing up at a starry sky
- Calmness similar to taking a deep breath
- Comfort akin to being wrapped in a pleasant breeze
- Serenity as if time is flowing slowly
Various ways to use it
- As a helpful BGM for nights when you can’t fall asleep
- To accompany a relaxed morning wake-up
- As a healing tune when you want to relax
- As background music when you need to focus on reading or studying
- When you want to soothe a tired heart
Downloading (ダウンロード) is super easy! Just click the button below to get “Dreampath Melody” right away.
↓↓↓ Download from here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
It’s free BGM, so you can use it worry-free in your video productions too!
Now, let’s experience a magical good night’s sleep with the gentle tones of “Dreampath Melody” starting tonight!
Good night, and sweet dreams!