今日は、「真夏のカフェで集中力アップ」をテーマにした曲名「ほっこりカフェノート」(英語:Cozy Cafe Notes)をご紹介します!
- さわやかな冷房の音とカフェの静かなざわめき
- 軽やかでゆったりとしたLOFIビート
- 集中力を高める落ち着いたピアノメロディ
- アイスコーヒーを飲む音をイメージした効果音
- 涼しげで爽やかな夏らしい音色
- 暑い日の室内での勉強タイムに
- カフェで作業するときのBGMとして
- オンライン授業や在宅勤務の背景音楽に
- 夏の読書タイムのお供に
- 暑さを忘れてリラックスしたいときに
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
Today, I’d like to introduce you to a track called “Cozy Cafe Notes (Japanese: ほっこりカフェノート)”, themed around “Boosting Concentration in a Midsummer Cafe“!
This LOFI-style track is designed to evoke the image of studying by the window in a cool, air-conditioned cafe.
It creates an atmosphere where you can relax and work efficiently at the same time.
Track Atmosphere
- Refreshing sounds of air conditioning and quiet cafe murmur
- Light and leisurely LOFI beat
- Calm piano melody to enhance concentration
- Sound effects reminiscent of sipping iced coffee
- Cool and refreshing summer-like tones
Various Ways to Use
- For study sessions indoors on hot days
- As background music when working at a cafe
- As background music for online classes or remote work
- To accompany summer reading time
- When you want to relax and forget about the heat
Downloading (ダウンロード) is easy! Just click the button below to get “Cozy Cafe Notes” right away.
↓↓↓ Download here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
Listen to “Cozy Cafe Notes” and try working with focus, feeling like you’re in a cool cafe.
Give it a try when you’re having trouble concentrating due to the heat or when you need a refresh!