今日は、「小鳥のさえずりとLOFI音楽で集中力アップ」をテーマに作った曲名「窓辺の小鳥メロディ」(英語:Birdsong by the Window)をご紹介します!
- のんびりとした小鳥のさえずり
- 軽やかで落ち着いたLOFIビート
- 集中力を高める穏やかなメロディ
- 自然音と電子音の絶妙なバランス
- 朝の爽やかさを感じさせる明るい音色
- 朝の勉強タイムのお供に
- オンライン授業の背景音楽として
- 集中力が必要な作業中のBGMに
- リラックスしながら読書を楽しむときに
- 早起きのモチベーションアップに
↓↓↓ ダウンロードはこちらから ↓↓↓
Hello everyone! This is Minaduchi!
Today, I’d like to introduce you to a track I created called “Birdsong by the Window” (Japanese: 窓辺の小鳥メロディ).
The theme is “Improving concentration with birdsong and Lo-Fi music“.
This track is a Lo-Fi study aid designed to evoke the image of studying intently in a quiet room filled with bright sunlight.
The combination of birdsong and a pleasant rhythm is expected to help you study while feeling refreshed.
Atmosphere of the track
- Leisurely birdsong
- Light and calming Lo-Fi beat
- Gentle melody to enhance concentration
- Perfect balance of natural and electronic sounds
- Bright tones that evoke the freshness of morning
Various ways to use
- As a companion for morning study sessions
- As background music for online classes
- As BGM for tasks requiring concentration
- While relaxing and enjoying a book
- To boost motivation for early rising
Downloading (ダウンロード) is easy! Just click the button below to get “Birdsong by the Window” right away.
↓↓↓ Download here ↓↓↓
*The download file is a single track
Listen to “Birdsong by the Window” and try studying with concentration in a refreshing morning atmosphere.
Please give it a try when you’re feeling sleepy in the morning or when you’re lacking motivation!